Mobile: +447849044127
I’m a German-British agency growth consultant with 15 years of experience in growing and improving agencies. I'm the proud owner of two needy cats, I love mountain biking, and am slightly obsessed with sunshine. Bonus fact: I have German/British citizenship and had to pass the 'Life in the UK' test if you ever needed a pub quiz partner. But let's talk about work...
It's time for unconventional agency consulting
In a room of 100 agency consultants, I will undoubtedly stick out like a sore thumb: I'm a female millennial in my late 30s, I'm German & British, and I have never owned or sold my own agency. I was the person responsible for the delivery of complex strategic initiatives, moving between the Board of Directors and operational teams to deliver changes. I started my business to support agencies with the hands-on delivery of their goals, rather than top-level advice.
I want you to succeed
I am on a mission to simplify agency decision-making and make growth and change accessible and doable for all agencies. It pains me when agencies work with consultants and are left without arguably the most critical part: a plan for implementation. I bring clarity to my clients’ growth and change challenges by providing focus and simplicity to their never-ending list of priorities, and I finish any engagement with actionable steps that deliver the desired change.
We need to keep things simple
“Be Reyt” is Yorkshire slang for “It will be all right”, which is my company name and motto, and helped me grow an agency offering from 0-100 people with no previous management or ops experience. Be Reyt is similar to the German word Bereit ('ready') and encapsulates how I approach things. I believe in simplicity and a can-do attitude, no matter how big the challenge is.
Delivering strategic goals & change programs
I was responsible for delivering the strategy and change programs for one of the most successful 150-strong UK digital marketing agencies, and Times Top 100 Company. I worked with the Board and senior leadership team to translate our vision and targets into workable initiatives and implement changes across sales, marketing, people, operations, and client services. My work directly impacted EBITDA, client retention and growth, pitch closing rates, and revenue.
Managing hyper-growth
Between 2010 - 2017, I grew my own digital PR and content department and service offering from 0-100 people with no previous experience. My department flourished, won awards, supported peoples' progression, and was sustainable and profitable. We delivered global campaigns across 40 markets. During this time, I was ranked 7th in The Drum's 30 Under 30 Women in Digital. And yes, I wish I was still under 30.
Example clients
I currently work with independent agencies in the digital, marketing, PR, software development, and product development space, and my coaching spans an even wider variety of businesses. Their sizes range from 10 - 150+ members of staff. Example clients are Modo25, Definition Group, Search Laboratory (Havas)
Gather LCR: I'm a growth consultant for various Liverpool-based growth programs that provide six months of bespoke consultancy to unlock sustainable growth in creative, digital, and tech businesses. As part of this, I also deliver one-to-one coaching sessions with business leaders.
OMG Center: I'm a partner coach for the agency community OMG Center, supporting their members with all things strategy, growth, and operations.
Form: I'm a growth consultant for the business consultancy Form, which helps businesses grow and progress through meaningful change.
Agency Local: I am an associate Guide for Agency Local, a community for agency owners focused on helping to improve, grow, or scale their business.
I have delivered talks, webinars and workshops for Agency Hackers, Agency Collective, BIMA, The WOW Company and many more. Find out more here
Agile change manager & mental health first aider
I'm a qualified agile change manager and Mental Health First Aider and passionate about how change impacts people. My approach to agency change is kind and realistic, and I follow the principles of effective change management to get your teams involved and engaged with your goals.